Sunday, April 3, 2011

Floods and bugs

While we were away there were more floods and another cyclone passed near us.  Flying back into Carnarvon we got a great (although depressing) view of some of the damage.  This photo shows clearly the dirty brown flooded river water emptying out into the beautiful blue ocean! This is an area about 300km south of Carnarvon.

 This is an area in Carnarvon called Pelican Point (or more accurately Peli Point, everything in Australia is abbreviated if it is at all possible!)  It is about ten minutes drive from the centre of town and is/was one of our regular places to go to fish, swim and hang out at the beach.  The water is stained awful dirty brown from the huge river and you can see the crazy high tides and strong swell ripped the 'point' in two.  There is water either side of the land but normally you can walk all the way - now you need to swim/wade some of it!

As a result of the massive rains we have GAZILLIONS of bugs.  There are dragon flies, mosquitos, cockroaches, beetles, locusts, grasshoppers by the thousands.  So much so that even bug-phobic me is getting more brave - there is no other option!
 However the down side is that any plantations that survived the floods are now being eaten to the ground.  Its hard to make out in the photo of the banana tree above but see how some leaves are full and others are skeletal? This one is only half eaten.....
 We had a party for the pistol club out at a member's plantation - a great venue but we were sharing it.. and out numbered!
 The next day we came back to help with some of the clean up.... This pile doesn't have any twigs or leaves in it...... look closer - its all bugs! EW!
 Even though his crops are under crop nets the hungry beasties still get through so chemicals are the only option...
This year Oscar is growing grapes... for eating not wine! Surely we can give it a go though right?!?