Saturday, July 9, 2011

Thirty photo challenge: 21, 22 & 23

21. A picture of something you wish you could forget:
My special cat Mr Charles... he was attacked by a dog and killed last year (Charles was in his own yard in an enclosure, the dog wasn't on a lead and broke through the fence to get him)..... I wouldn't like to forget him but the whole awful incident.  Pets become such an important part in your life and it is so sad when they go.

22. A picture of something you wish you were better at:

I would love to be able to make my own bread... would love to be one of those women who routinely has dough rising or a starter bubbling or a loaf cooling on the bench.... I have made bread before with varying degrees of success... but not as often or with as much ease as I would like!

23. A picture of your favourite book:

This is like the 'favourite band' one - I can't just pick one!


  1. As your father would say, "wouldn't be dead for quids".

  2. leigh is 'one of those people' ;) i dont think ive had bought bread at her house for dinner unless its hot dog or hamburger buns.. hmm leigh, maybe you should try that next
