Sunday, December 26, 2010

A very merry Christmas!

What a great day... despite the roads being closed so we can't get fresh deliveries of fruit and vegetables, despite the mail being unable to get through and some of us being a few presents short, despite the temperature already getting to over 90 by 9am and despite the humidity making it all kinda sticky.... I HAD A GREAT DAY.  I like what Chris said - yes it deserves shouting.
We were at mom's by 7.30am for apricot brandy, coffee, Christmas morning muffins (Nigella Lawson's recipe) and home made mince tarts (made by mom).  We exchanged some presents and then it was onto Justin's dad's place to celebrate with that side of the family. Justin's dad has remarried a wonderful woman named Ann many years ago who has always treated Justin like her own and is a kind hearted, lovely person. Ann's son/Justin's step brother Stephen, his fiancee Sarah and their 2 year old Mathew.  While we were there Justin's brother phoned (he lives in Perth and couldn't get off work to come home for Christmas) to tell us that he proposed and she said yes! It is really nice news, they have been together for three years and the four of us get on like a house on fire, wish we all lived closer.  After a breakfast of BBQ eggs in bread (one of my favourites!), hash browns, bacon, sausages and a few beers (hey its Christmas morning - you're allowed!) we went off to see some good friends of ours who have kids who are 13 and 7 that we always buy presents for (mainly because I am a sucker and love all of the girly things on the market for that age group - sparkly nail polish, lip glosses, etc ,etc)
Then it was home to our place to unwrap more pressies, relax and eat.  A cold glazed ham (Justin's recipe) and warm turkey roll, mom's really delicious rice salad, a potato salad and some bread rolls and some serious aircon!
Much later (about three hours I think!) we moved onto sweets... I can't describe how good this plum pudding is... so much so that I am going to put a step by step post up here next of how to, Leigh I know those directions are a bit vague (mom also says they are written in Australian causing some translation issues :-P) and so much so is my love for this pudding that I think it is necessary to force it upon my loved ones in far flung Northern places.... (Both Northern Qld and Northern AK!)
Then when it FINALLY cooled off enough to venture outside (y'all know its hot when even the Aussies won't go outside) it was beers on the back verandah.. and assessment of damages.... Lets just say that Justin holds a grudge and will recklessly use electrical tape as wrapping paper and the consequences can be brutal!

 The tree at our house, perhaps time to get a larger one - the presents are taking over!

 The tree (or twig?) at mom's house.  Small, but it has my favourite tree topper and very pretty lights.

 A cockroach with solar panels,when charged it jumps around like a real cockroach. 
Everyone needs one really.

 Some Bud-Bling.  Its the end of a 357 magnum shell (the calibre she shoots) with a yellow diamond for the primer and TLO stamp and gold nuggets.  Some of the coolest jewelery I have ever seen!

Present unwrapping carnage!

And then? That quiet moment of Christmas day.... sitting on your couch, a ham and cheese sandwich in one hand, a book in the other and a cat on the lap. BLISS.

I love this time of year.

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