Thursday, November 25, 2010


I know, I know - its Thanksgiving and we are all about turkey, stuffing, bean casserole and pie BUT we all have to eat something the day before thanksgiving and this is it.  Technically that is the day before Fairbanks Thanksgiving and two days before Australian thanksgiving.  Nothing to do with time difference but everything to do with work commitments interfering with cooking commitments on the Australian side of things leading to a rescheduling of Thanksgiving to Saturday night.
So this has become a staple dish that we make at least once a week.  I have been working to 6pm every night and since the sun hasn't set yet we were working in the back yard till about 7 before we decided we had no clue what to have for dinner... so we turned to this.  So easy to make and its one of those meals that we always seem to have the ingredients for... Particularly now that we grow our own spring onions!

Which is clearly the only reason I uploaded this photo - to show off our spring onions! Here is a better shot of the recipe below.

It takes about fifteen minutes from start to eat... and part of that is because i like to use my chaseur fry pan for the steaks to get them really rare and that takes a while to get to 'molten-centre-of-the-earth' hot.

The finished product


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