Wednesday, August 25, 2010

The beginning

So.... after prompting from Leigh I have decided to start this blog... facebook is a great way to keep in touch with family and all... but there are somethings that just don't need to be shared with THAT many people! So hence the name of the blog - theaussiebitsandpieces says it all - these are the bits and pieces that have been happening but haven't and won't be shared on that site!
Last night we caught up with some friends we hadn't seen in a while.  These friends are good but dangerous in that they love wine and cheese as much as us! We drank Peperjack Cabernet Savignon, Mad Fish Cabernet Savignon and a few others.  They went beautifully with the King Island Brie and Roaring Forties Blue, dates and fig and pear paste.  On the side we had some beautiful steamed prawns (under tens - which means less than ten prawns per pound - so they were HUGE!) with lemon.
We swapped preserves (which makes us sound so old!!) we gave them some pickled onions we had made (well Justin had made!) and pickled green tomatoes.  We had wanted to make pickled green tomatoes ever since eating some beautiful ones at my aunty Vikki's house last year.  Also in our goody bag to them was chilli jam (which members of this household have been known to eat by the spoonful with no accompaniment required) and tomato relish - recipe compliments of the CWA.  One of the items they gave to us was a beautiful grapefruit marmalade, it was a little hard set but delicious on toast this morning with tea!
I thought I might also share some of my favourite sites with you (food related - surprised?)
I love how Ree writes and her recipes are great
The food pronographer is a writer who lives in Perth and loves photography and food.  She loves all types of food - from sushi to fast food and often reviews places that I have been to when I used to live in Perth.  Oh and she has two beautiful cats and takes great pictures of them too!
And for one not food related - my beautiful friend Christian, he has moved to Bunbury now (a good 12 hour drive away!) and he is sorely missed.  Luckily through this website I can still see his gorgeous photos.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. What I meant to say (without so many typos!)
    I got to follow first!! So excited to add you to my blogroll :) I guess I should update our blog now!

  3. Well, Hi! - will be following this new blog for sure.
