Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Thirty photo challenge: 5, 6 & 7

5. A picture of your favourite memory.

It's hard to pick a single memory but this is pretty special; arriving in Fairbanks, coming down those steps (usually tired, jet lagged and hungry!) and seeing a crowd of people, waiting for us - and I'm related to all of them! So exciting!

6. A picture of the person you would trade places with for a day.

A photo of my favourite lecturer from uni, who is now the head of the university School of Pharmacy - Professor Jeff Hughes.  He is such a good speaker and has such a knack for explain complicated pharmacy in a way that makes sense and is fascinating.  Perhaps if I traded places for a day I could retain half of his knowledge!

7. A picture of you and the person you have the most fun with:

No contest there!


  1. Awww, love this one!!! I always see this pic and think, gosh I am glad there is nothing on my tongue!!!

  2. hahaha, no green bits stuck there? how about a piercing??? too funny, love it!

  3. love the airport pic!! come see us soooooon
