Wednesday, September 8, 2010

comfort food

Soooooooooo yesterday. The house is feral and needs a good clean.  The thing I'm waiting for in the post hasn't come.  Staff are sick and so we were already totaly short staffed.  And there are still so many tourists in town.  So the shop is really busy AND you have to navigate around lost tourists going slow/the wrong way on the drive to work.  Then at work before I can put my handbag down there are rapid fire questions from a couple of different doctors about uncommon medications involving complicated calculations you hope you aren't going to have to do once you are out of university. And I have not one but two students that I am teaching looking up expectantly at me....
Big deep breaths..... YOU CAN DO IT!!! (Insert picture of Jessie with superwoman cape flapping in the breeze)
So my point is - coming home from work and cooking THIS fixes everything.  I don't know how food can do that but it does.

Probably a little too much butter is used in this to classify it into the healthy dinner section (but then who ever thought the words 'healthy' and 'comfort food' could ever both be used to describe the same meal....) Certainly simple, inexpensive, soothing and falls into my favourite category - 'Bowl food'.

Oh and I didn't have yellow food colouring.... I had pink and blue but I just didn't think that would be right.